Behind the Name “On The Nose”

It started with a gift.

My very good friend Lauren gave me the book Allowed to Grow Old by photographer and activist Isa Leshko. It’s a book of portraits and stories, mostly of farmed animals who've been allowed to grow old because they were rescued by sanctuaries. I immediately loved the book. Not only am I a vegan and an advocate for animals, but at the time I was also caring for an elderly dog named Dakota.

“Is it too on the nose?” Lauren asked about the gift she’d just handed me.

“It’s perfect!” I replied.

A couple of years later Dakota passed away, and I had begun to consider starting my own business, through which I could help others to communicate effectively and humanely, and—as cheesy as it sounds—to honor Dakota by following my passions. While looking through photos of Dakota and reminiscing about my fifteen years with her, the phrase “on the nose” jumped out at me.

The phrase combines my love for Dakota (and all animals) and the foundation for how I aim to communicate: humanely, clearly, precisely. So, On The Nose, LLC was born, and it’s gone on to help all kinds of clients, publish an award-winning memoir (about Dakota!), and bring smiles and laughter to the masses.


Our Business Turned Two!


We won! Best First Book Award